our legacy tulsa 09

Creating transformative impact through planning and design. 


WRT is a team of planners, urban designers, architects, and landscape architects. We value the impact of our collective approach to create simple solutions for complex problems across scales. We serve our communities by designing places that enhance the natural and social environment.

Paseo Verde plaza
John C Anderson
Baltimore Inner Harbor

To ensure that the issues and concerns most important to the client are effectively addressed, we guide the development of projects through a process that depends upon a sound understanding of community values and aspirations, obtained through early and continuous citizen involvement, our national perspective on place-based design, and a commitment to understanding the site-specific opportunities and challenges as a basis for strategic decision-making.

WRT’s success is based on our tradition of excellence, innovation, and leadership in planning and design, and our commitment to the firm’s guiding principles of designing with nature and reinforcing urbanism. 

Lafayette behind the scenes
Logan Unity Day
Adobe Campus

We work with communities to address and integrate complex issues related to quality of life and physical character, growth management, economic and fiscal health, infrastructure capacity, and resource preservation and activation. We embrace our roots, yet we do not bind ourselves to its style or prose. We build on the strengths of those that have come before us, but welcome change as an opportunity to create impact.   

We believe in simplicity and functionality, and we work with clarity and purpose to engage and empower communities. Through it all, we remain committed to design excellence, as we strive to enhance and reflect nature through projects that address the unique concerns and needs of each community, with a process and a product that gains widespread acceptance, reflects citizens’ aspirations, and serves as a catalyst for future action.