Breanna will be working with area leaders to advance the mission of the ACE Mentor Program of Greater Philadelphia.

ACE is a local affiliate of a national non-profit organization whose mission is to engage, excite, and enlighten high school students to consider pursuing careers in the integrated construction industry (Architecture, Construction, Engineering, etc.) through mentoring, scholarships, and grants. The program prioritizes engaging students and communities underrepresented in the industry.
Breanna is a former mentee, entering the program while she was a senior in high school. She then established the first collegiate ACE Chapter at Jefferson University and has been serving as the co-chair of the ACE Mentor Program of Greater Philadelphia's Alumni Committee for the past four years.
"Given Breanna's long involvement with the ACE Mentor Program, we felt as though she was the perfect person to fill the role of Board Chair," said Melissa Raffel, ACE Affiliate Director. "Breanna brings a unique perspective to our Board Leadership Team—she is able to reflect on her experiences as an ACE student, alumna, mentor, and team leader to help us strategically plan a robust future for the Greater Philadelphia affiliate.”

WRT is a long-time supporter of the organization and has been on the leading edge of piloting programming to support its growth.
This includes establishing the first design-build program for ACE, where mentees get hands-on experience and exposure to the AEC industry through community service, connecting with and advocating for local communities. For the past two years, Breanna and WRT's team of mentors and mentees have focused their efforts on beautifying the Houseman Recreation Center in Philadelphia and for the third year, they will be looking to expand the project's impact on the community.
Additionally, this year WRT is one of the founding firms to pilot ACE's new Transformative Partners Program, which aims to provide continuous mentoring and support for ACE alumni throughout their higher education through to their first full-time job after graduation.
"This is one of the most important missions of my career and personal life, and I am honored to take this next step and assume the responsibility of Chair", said Breanna.
"The energy and passion that I invest into this program I receive back tenfold in seeing these promising students grow into thriving young professionals ready to lead our design and construction industries. I look forward to working with our amazing affiliate to build upon our past successes and extend our outreach."