With City Council unanimously adopting the Downtown Precise Plan on December 5, 2023, Santa Clara is ready to reclaim its downtown after six decades.
The vision for a community has the power to guide thoughtful growth over time, bringing together places and spaces that complement each other and serve residents, workers and visitors alike. The community-driven vision defined in Santa Clara’s Downtown Precise Plan provides a framework for such growth with enough flexibility to adjust to evolving needs and trends over the coming years. Laying the ground for such growth, proposed improvements to the 25-acre core include the re-establishment of the urban street grid, new parks and plazas, entertainment, cultural and retail activation, and over 1,000 new housing units.

The Downtown Precise Plan is the result of years of dedicated research, advocacy, and project guidance from members of the Santa Clara community. Our hats are off to members of Reclaiming Our Downtown, the Downtown Community Task Force, and others who have made this plan possible. WRT has worked closely with them to define the community’s vision and translate that vision to specific guidance for all the parts of the physical environment that make up a place. We are excited for that future place – downtown Santa Clara – to come into being.

"I want [downtown] to be the heart of Santa Clara."
- Mary Grizzle, Downtown Community Task Force Member