The planning project provides the framework for habitat restoration and public access elements that will transform a former golf course in Marin County, CA into an open space preserve spanning 157 acres.

In 2018, The Trust for Public Land undertook a massive effort to reimagine a former 157-acre golf course in San Geronimo Valley to a new use that prioritizes conservation, habitat and creek restoration, wildlife connections, nature interpretation, passive recreation, and community spaces.
WRT led the preparation of the Vision Framework, as well as an intense and involved stakeholder/community engagement process. The Vision Framework establishes a broad planning foundation to guide future uses of the San Geronimo Commons, with the primary goals to restore its ecological health and resilient functions, support public access including multi-use trails and compatible recreational uses, and make space for a Marin County fire station and community-serving amenities in appropriate locations.
Today, thanks to the continued work of Environmental Science Associates, Trout Unlimited, and Trust for Public Land, a constrained creek is restored to braided channels that support endangered salmon fisheries. The former golf course is now a meadow and host to a healthy upstream food web ecosystem.