The completion of Phase Two is another step in helping transform formerly desolate blocks in North Philadelphia.

Phase two consists of 59 one-, two-, and three-bedroom townhomes along four blocks, including one one-bedroom, 28 two-bedroom, and 30 three-bedroom townhomes. Of the 59 total apartments, 10% of the units are available to residents at 20% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or below, 44% are available at 50% AMI or below, and 46% are available at 60% AMI or below.
In April 2020, PHA received a $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in support of the entire Sharswood initiative.
“These homes are ideal for today’s families as they offer the living space that people really need and the modern conveniences that they deserve,” said Kelvin A. Jeremiah, PHA President and CEO. “These homes are within walking distance of a grocery store, a bank, and soon, an urgent care center. PHA set out to make Sharswood a neighborhood of choice.Each new affordable housing development adds to the variety of options available for families, seniors and veterans.”
Since work began on the Sharswood Transformation Plan in 2016, 468 housing units have been completed and an additional 745 are under construction or nearing closing. Once complete, the Sharswood revitalization will create more than 1,200 new mixed-income, rental housing units, 420 affordable and market-rate homeownership units, and more than 200,000 square feet of mixed-use development.