Belén joined WRT as part of a pilot internship that focuses on supporting a project in her own community, the Little Lehigh redevelopment project in Allentown, PA.

How did you connect with WRT?
Melissa Aclo at Allentown Housing Authority in Allentown, PA, has been helping me find and apply for scholarships the past two years of college. In October 2020, I received an email from her asking if I’d be okay with her connecting me to a potential internship opportunity. She remembered that I studied Communication Design and asked if I would be interested in interning. I was fascinated with the idea of participating in a big project that was going to improve the lives of many in my hometown, so I told her to go ahead and connect me!
Overall, what was the experience like?
My experience overall was wonderful. I observed the development of an architectural project like Little Lehigh, practiced my teamwork skills, and met many friendly staff members. I never had a dull moment because I was always learning something new about the architectural design process, learning the basics of Revit, or using my skills to edit photos and create graphics. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to work and grow with WRT. It provided me with a new perspective on architecture, how projects like these come
along, and how they improve housing in my hometown.
What were your primary responsibilities for Little Lehigh?
I've had a handful of different responsibilities, but I mostly worked on the project narrative for Little Lehigh. I compiled various project files into one master document, where I kept floor plans and elevation renderings up to date, edited photos, and researched mail products to be used by future Little Lehigh tenants.
How have you improved the most?
Joining WRT for the past few months has given me the opportunity to polish my problem-solving skills and apply what I’m learning in my classes into a real workspace. I’m studying to become a graphic designer and the entire premise of my chosen career is to solve problems in the most creative and adequate way possible. While most of the work isn’t necessarily designing ads and making animated gifs, much of what I’m being taught in school overlaps with the creative process of the Little Lehigh team.
What’s next?
Summer and senior year! I’m dedicating this summer to my career, hobbies, and family. I’d like to keep exploring hobbies I love and practicing my skills so that I can start senior year on the right foot. As for senior year, I’m really looking forward to it especially now that we’ll have in-person learning. I’m excited to immerse myself once again after more than a year of learning virtually.