Tara recently completed her spring landscape architecture internship with our San Francisco office. Her contributions were helpful to furthering our resilient hotspots research in the Bay Area.

What were your primary responsibilities?
As a landscape architecture intern, my primary responsibilities were focused on the Greenbelt/WRT resilience hotspots project with my colleagues, Cristina Bejarano and Beth Houser. Throughout the semester, I also had the privilege to engage in various meetings with the Greenbelt Alliance, WRT staff, and various practitioners in environmental planning. I have been able to contribute towards the planning and design of the final document, which illustrates the research on climate resilience hotspots in the Bay Area.
What were some of the areas where you learned the most?
I am grateful for my exposure within the field of environmental planning. Learning more about how to formulate a research question and specific methodology at the scale of the resilience hotspots project has helped shape my understanding of planning and analysis at this scale. Moreover, this research has helped me define the complexity of resilience as it relates to climate change. I hope to bring this perspective to my future work throughout my career.
Overall, how was your experience?
The experience was wonderful! I have learned so much from working closely with Cristina and Beth. I am in awe of the multiple hats they wear and am lucky to have learned about their approach to different aspects of the resilience hotspots project.
What’s next for you?
After completing my master’s degree in landscape architecture, I will be taking a month off to do some traveling around the U.S. I will also be participating in research on social housing in Denmark as part of an exhibit for the 2021 Venice Biennale. In June, I plan to begin working as an urban designer/planner.