How Are We Doing?

Indicators can show us.

communication, trends, leadership, performance design, implementation


Andrew Dobshinsky


David Witham


Brittany Coyle

Effective implementation is
key to realizing a plan's goals.

Policies and processes change. New standards take effect. Physical changes begin to materialize. But, are those actions having the intended results? A question like, "How are we
doing?" can send implementers scrambling to come up with
the right data.

Indicators are often included in plans to show how current conditions compare to plan goals. However, the real value of indicators is using them to regularly measure progress and performance after a plan is adopted. Changes in policies, processes, and standards are important accomplishments, but these changes are meant to ultimately have positive impacts on the economy, environment, and quality of life. For example:

  • How have property values changed?
  • How many trees have been planted?
  • What is the obesity rate?

Keeping track of indicators like these provides a feedback loop to show what is working and where work still needs to be done. This is valuable not only internally but externally so that constituents can hold implementers accountable.

Regular updates help keep plan goals at the forefront, and they can help build implementation momentum. So, regularly track plan indicators, and the next time someone asks “How are we doing?” you’ll have an answer at your fingertips.
