Light and Architecture

Inspired by light.

architectural psychology, aesthetics, light, experiential design


Jamie Ober


David Witham


Brittany Coyle

Light can create inspiring moments and spaces—sometimes spectacular, other times intimate—as one approaches and moves through a building. These moments are like snapshots in the mind, memories that evoke emotion.

A single light invokes an image of Solitude: The lighted casement of a distant hut, the hut that stands quite alone on the horizon before one comes to fields and marshlands. –Rilke

A special light which falls and grazes can create a spiritual experience: The sunlight did not know what it was before it hit a wall. –Louis Kahn

Dramatic shafts of sunlight penetrate still geometric constructions, creating a confrontation between man and nature: In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest, Where no one can see you, But sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. -Rumi

Light and shade play a critical role in the way we experience architecture. Working with sensitivity to four-dimensional space, architects must understand the way the light will dance across and into buildings. In this way, a building can transcend its physical characteristics and create unique and memorable moments.