WRT in the Community

How our passion for improving the natural and built environment extends beyond the office.

education, off the clock, architecture profession, landscape, community planning, community health, roads and streets, green infrastructure, philadelphia, pennsylvania


Garlen Capita


Danielle Capozzi


Brittany Coyle

The planners, urban designers, landscape architects, and architects at WRT share the firm's passion for improving the quality of the natural and built environment. This passion extends beyond in-office project work to work out in the community. Last year alone, WRTers extended their skills and interests towards a number of volunteer projects that have had great impact in our local community. These projects not only allow us to engage in the communities where we live, but also give us additional opportunities to hone our skills while supporting causes that we are passionate about.

  • Introduced young students to the possibilities of a career in the design professions at PhilaNOMA C.A.M.P. Sustain.Ability
  • Raised 3,800 canned food donations to design and build a Food for Thought sculpture to fight hunger in the Delaware Valley
  • Ran the 5K Run for Clean Air as part of Philadelphia’s Earth Day Celebration
  • Taught high school students design and planning skills as part of the ACE Mentor Program
  • Designed outdoor learning gardens for Chester A. Arthur Elementary School
  • Painted murals and planted vegetable gardens at the Kensington CAPA High school
  • Currently designing Better Blocks Philly, a living/functioning exhibit of temporarily installed Complete/Green Street concepts to foster a safer pedestrian environment and raise awareness during DesignPhiladelphia week