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The View at Montgomery

Mixed-Use, Student Housing
Phase 1: 800 Beds
Philadelphia, PA

Adjacent to the campus of Temple University, this 4.5-acre site in Philadelphia is transforming into a mixed-use, privately owned housing development for 2,500 students. The Phase 1 building engages the edge of the campus with a 14 story vibrant mixed-use retail center with apartments for 800 students. As a response to the narrowness of the Phase 1 site, the building attracts and engages people on both a pedestrian scale and a city block scale through the strategic location of color. This structure’s lively appearance has become a unique addition to the campus while acting as an icon visible from downtown and other surrounding areas.  

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The View AT Montgomery: Wanamaker (The View at Montgomery)

Wanamaker (The View at Montgomery)

Set in the context of a transitioning once-drab neighborhood, the impactful color brings a fresh breath of energy and delight. The approach to the building entrance is from the north-east, and pulls visitors and residents directly from the heart of the campus towards the central crystal-like entrance vestibule, located between a landscaped buffered street and a glassy retail band. 

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A brownfield redevelopment, flanked by residential, university, and commercial uses, the project’s urban context is directly connected to the city’s vast public bus, subway, and regional rail transportation networks.

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The City of Philadelphia’s stringent stormwater regulations were met through a blue roof and exemplary stormwater runoff rate and quantity controls. Building water use reductions combined with local and regional building materials were a few of the many green features that contributed to the achievement of a LEED silver USGBC certification. 


Urban Land Institue Philadelphia, Willard G. Rouse III Award for Excellence, 2015

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