Cabrini South Res Hall exterior

Villanova University at Cabrini Residence Hall

architecture, student living, higher education
180 beds, three floors
Radnor, PA

Responding to the campus master plan’s desire to create an enhanced network of connectivity on campus, the residence hall is configured to maximize connections to nature and serves as a destination in the larger campus plan. 

The additional residential space was also needed to accommodate Cabrini’s strategic growth in student population.

The hall flanks Cabrini’s historic mansion building, providing previously underutilized views of an open green and the front entrance of the mansion. It also easily lends itself to year-round use, with the option to provide comfortable summer school housing to further expand campus offerings.

Cabrini res hall exterior day
Cabrini University
Cabrini res hall exterior twilight
Cabrini University

The prominent glass-enclosed social spaces at the building’s north end offer visual connections back to the campus core, while the building and the surrounding landscape form a new courtyard for informal student activities. Glazed elements are stretched vertically and horizontally to emphasize interior public spaces and connections to the outdoors, while offering a range of campus views.

Building on the palette of the surrounding campus, the structure is clad in dark panels and white brick, recognizing the limestone elements found throughout Cabrini. 

Cabrini Res Hall blue lounge
Cabrini University
Cabrini Res Hall lounge
Cabrini University

Shared lounge and interior gathering spaces provide opportunities for student resident activities, including group events, meal preparation, and quiet spaces for study.  Gathering spaces accumulate around a central hub adjacent to the building entry, including multi-purpose spaces and a shared student kitchen/dining area. Quiet spaces can be found at the building’s edges, offering spaces for study, collaboration, and ideation, with views of the surrounding woods.

Cabrini Res Hall exterior entrance
Cabrini University