landscape architecture, parks, open space planning Glen Canyon Park Improvement PlanSan Francisco, CA
landscape architecture, design competition, public realm One Park: St. James Park Design CompetitionSan Jose, CA
landscape architecture, campus planning Daiichi Mutual Insurance Shin-Ohi Office LandscapeKanagawa, Japan
landscape architecture, streetscape, community planning, complete streets Castro Valley Redevelopment Strategic Plan + ImplementationCastro Valley, CA
landscape architecture, planning, parks + open space Reimagine San Geronimo: A Vision PlanSan Geronimo, CA
community engagement, planning, urban design Our Legacy, Our Community: A Renewed Vision for North TulsaTulsa, OK
landscape architecture, planning, parks + open space East Palo Alto Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master PlanEast Palo Alto, CA
landscape architecture, urban design, parks, plazas Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial PlazaPhiladelphia, PA
design competition, park planning, open space planning Reimagine the Canals CompetitionNew York State
park planning, community engagement Our Parks, Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long-Range PlanAustin, TX
landscape architecture, architecture, design Oyama Yuen Harvest WalkOyama-shi, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan